The David Spoon Experience Part 2 3-25-22 Dave's Testimony 1
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) Okey dokey artichoke. We are going to cover some new material in a new way. By this, I mean I will try to share portions of my testimony. I had a thought about entering the third year of this radio show. I will not have a perfectly coherent sharing, simply because I am not a robot. I will share, and then emphasize, the segments that I sense the Lord weighing heavy on. I can’t cover everything God has done because our show is not 10,000 hours long. But it will be a shared journey, one way or another.
2) A second point and a HUGE word of caution. I don’t think of my past the same way that most people do. I subscribe to the captain Kirk theory of past life development. What I went through and what I did was wrong, dark, and evil. But I would not have come to the Lord without these events the way I did and in the power that I did. So, I see them as the launching pad for the road to redemption.
3) Last note; This sharing does not validate or invalidate anyone’s theology. But it also does NOT bow to anyone’s theology. God extremely blesses me. But I am more like the demonic from the country of the Gerasene’s. Jesus told him to “declare how much God has done for you.” So, I share, but I’m still a little bit muddy for the tombs.