The David Spoon Experience Part 2 3-15-22
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
Dave addresses how to deal with our sin. Plus,
1) The best commercial for the kids returning to school was by Staples. It showed a dad pushing a shopping cart to buy supplies for his kids, with the theme song, “It’s the most wonderful time…of the year.” Why it’s so clever is that we love the holidays. But, here’s the problem; doing good to other people is not a holiday. In reality, doing good to others is one of the few things that we can NEVER take a holiday from.
2) Keep the Law. Fulfill the Law. Forget the Law. Live by the Law. The Law will mess up the process of grace. Falling from grace is falling back into the Law. Paul had one Law in mind, James another. What a mess. Unless we use the key to understanding the Law, where there is a distinction. We examine what those distinctions are.
3) Forever in our Hearts: We examine a devotional from Pastor Ray, our dear brother in the Lord. Today’s devotional is entitled “Take off the Mask,” similar to one of my brother’s songs called “unmasked.” The word Hypocrite (hupo-crites in Greek) comes from putting on a mask, taking it off, and putting on another mask. That’s great for theatre, but not for our witness. That show should be over.