The David Spoon Experience Part 2 2-2-22
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) We step into territory that some would prefer we would not. But if we did everything everybody else everybody wanted, then we wouldn’t be living for Jesus, would we? Healing. Isn’t all healing, in every form, truly from the God of Life? Of course, it is. Even if the Lord doesn’t get the proper honor. Remember the ten lepers? Ten were healed, but Jesus was only acknowledged by one.
2) When the Bible refers to the elders praying for the sick, and the prayer of faith will heal the sick, we can understand that God is STILL in the healing business (James 5:15). Healing isn’t a human show. Healing is a Divine statement for the moment. What is God saying? “I am here …right now.”
3) Number one, no person does the “actual” healing. Just like no person does the “actual” saving of a soul. So, the real question is whether Jesus still heals today. YES. He does. In the spiritual, physical, emotional, and psychological realm. And in other areas as well. Does everyone always get healed? Not for Paul. Not Oral Roberts. Not for me. And not for you. But YES, for God! People are ALWAYS healed whenever the Lord says YES! It has always been, always is, and always will be…up to Him!