The David Spoon Experience Part 2 2-11-22
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) Ahithophel (A-hith-a-fell) was one of the wisest counselors of his time. He was brilliant. And hearing his voice was like hearing the voice of God (2 Samuel 16:23). He knew he was wise. He knew his counsel was good. He knew he was right. But when God is not on your side, the most brilliant shine turns into the murkiest darkness. So his opinion of himself led to self-destruction.
2) America holds the most powerful influence in the world. China holds the most powerful influence in the world. Russia holds the most powerful influence in the world. Rome holds the most powerful influence in the world. Greece holds the most powerful influence in the world. The press holds the most powerful influence in the world. Disney holds the most powerful influence in the world. That’s so funny; I forgot to laugh.
3) We offer another devotional from our beloved friend, Pastor Ray Bentley. These devotionals still minister to us. How powerful that Ray still blesses us even while he’s dancing on streets of gold. Today’s devotional is entitled “Encouraging Words,” which should communicate encouragement. And this devotional will do just that. So, let’s head into the weekend being inspired.