The David Spoon Experience Part 2 2-1-22
Scratchy Voice, tough topics, but still decent. Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) Decisions are a major part of life. There are big decisions. These often require a great deal of prayer and counsel—a calling out to God for James 1:5-6. There are also intermediate decisions. They still call for prayer, and sometimes council, and James 1:5-6. Then there are other decisions that we have to make. For example, what type of shirt and what color will we wear? And other such “every day” decisions. SKIP THE PRIDE ONCE YOU DECIDE.
2) This amazing instrument called a brain is between your left and right ear. God gave it to you. It is granted that many of us tend to dull our abilities. But God expects us to use the instruments He gives us with a sense of reverence and judgment. This is where maturity is called for. Then, we were thinking in childish ways. That was then. This is now.
3) In lieu of greater spiritual attacks against the church and against authentic followers of Jesus Christ, it is important for believers to distinguish between believers who reach different conclusions and false teachers. Testing the spirits is testing the things that are spoken by others AND the spirit with which they are spoken. Demonic teachings are real. But different conclusions are not always demonic.