The David Spoon Experience Part 2 12-28-21
One of our Best Shows: Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) There have been hundreds of new ideas for church growth. There are seminars. There are books. There are five-year denominational plans. There are friendship celebrations. There are door-to-door strategies along with street evangelism. It’s all there, and it’s all available. But since only God can give the growth (1 Cor. 3:6), let’s see what He wrote as the actual Church Leader.
2) We often read the New Testament and think, “I would never have been a Sadducee.” But is that true? Many Christians today have a very well-organized fake religiosity. Some don’t believe that angels are here to minister to the heirs of salvation. Others hardly live like there is a resurrection. And still, more who don’t know the Scriptures of the power of God. Every one of those definitions defines a Sadducee.
3) We examine one of the greatest principles of the Scriptures. And we stand on the shoulders of a giant to help us do it. Pastor Ray writes one of the most important devotions we need to live in for 2022 and beyond. It has to do keys and heavy doors. It has to do with prison and freedoms. And most importantly, it has to do with Jesus!