The David Spoon Experience Part 2 12-23-21
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) First, let’s acknowledge that there may be a reason if you are listening to this show right now. I don’t know what it is. But God does. MAYBE He wants to say or share something specific with you. Maybe He wants to encourage you. Or maybe He wants to use the show to put you in a state of stagnation for some purpose. Whatever His purpose is, it’s your responsibility to pay attention and respond to His leading. So, the onus is on you. Hah.
2) We examine one of the greatest texts regarding the birth of Jesus Christ, written about 750 years before Jesus was born. Let’s see; if we go back 750 years, it would be 1370 A.D. That should help us understand, a little bit, this duration of time covered by God in these prophecies. And every one of these prophecies, fulfilled. All of that to say, the future promises connected to the birth of Jesus are fantastic-o.
3) Nevertheless, is a great way to say, “I don’t care. So, nanny-nanny boo-boo.” The bottom line is that irrespective of what life brings, God presents great and precious promises to all who look to Him, long for Him, love Him, and want more of Him. The most important truth to grasp is what sets these promises in motion. The activity that sets these promises into action is the birth of Jesus Christ.