The David Spoon Experience Part 2 11-2-21
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1). So, what does that mean for you, and me, and the mother earthers? Well, first, it means that mother earthers are whack-a-doodles. Second, it means that God owns the earth, and every one body else just rents. Third, it means that God can give the use of His earth to anyone he wants to. And fourth, it means that God gave the earth as a gift to Mankind, and a temporary gift at that.
2) Now, a little one on with your brother Dave. I spend a great deal of my daily time trying to please the Lord in thought, word, and actions. But unfortunately, I spend even more time than that trying to figure out HOW to please the Lord in thought, word, and actions. The funny thing is that if I were just a Bible Believer, I would KNOW how to please the Lord. So, pass the faith, please.
3) We all understand and appreciate the wisdom of initial and continual repentance. But to what level do we process our actions towards repentance? There is a biblical ABCs to repentance. And if we remember our early school days, it is extremely important to learn our ABCs. Okay, from the beginning…