The David Spoon Experience Part 2 11-16-21
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) Yes. I agree. I think that’s right. Oh…that sounds good too. I agree with that. Yes. I think that’s right too. When those two agreements are in opposite directions, the person saying yes is a people pleaser. They go in the directions that make most people happy. But if their decision requires any suffering, then they are out there. That’ shallow and snowflakey!
2) Remember Steve Martin? Remember the “Let’s Get Small” album? You know that if you can Walk inside of a balloon, you are …small. And the Lord would prefer that we would be small. Because when we are tall or big in our own eyes, we tend to feed our own kingdom. That’s a major no-no. Be small, stay small, or be in trouble with God.
3) Sometimes, we need to do what God says without trying to look good while we are doing it. When we function in obedience, we do so to the pleasure of our King. We do so for His eyes only. We do so because if we try to please people at the same time as trying to please God, we will fail. It’s not a maybe. It’s an …inevitable. Remember, for Him. Only.