The David Spoon Experience Part 2 11-11-21
ANOTHER RETURN SHOW: Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) Good deeds are irrefutable. Yes, people can spin the deeds to try to make them mean something else. Yes, people who are driven by their sinful nature will continually try to provide bad reports. But God knows, and so do they in their hearts, that good deeds…are good. Of course, people will use lies to deflate actions, but the actions speak louder than words.
2) According to Psalm 2, nations conspire, and people plot bad things against the Lord’s anointed. Here is an example. These people are meeting to figure out how to respond to a miracle. The enemy is using this same tactic today. He encourages people to get together to plot against believers. Not conspiracies, but denials of Divine truth and power. They cry out against God’s truth and power. Can’t God heal Covid?
3) Here is the secret sauce. Something that you and I should never forget. Even if the leaders dismiss the truth and the power of God, it is NEVER MISSED by the people. Even if the people on the TV, the internet, the radio, the magazines, and the newspapers are in full denial, the people are much smarter than they are given credit for. It’s funny. Jesus went to the people and not to the leaders. I wonder why.