The David Spoon Experience Part 2 11-03-21
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) One of the most amazing insights from the Gospels is how accurately they convey people’s current 21st attitudes and actions. People are shouting accusations against one another with no possibility of forgiveness anywhere. Condemning the innocent has been the enemy’s tactic for thousands of years. So don’t be too surprised at this uptick against the Christians.
2) The authentic Bible Believer has received one of the most incredible benefits that could ever be granted to a human being… Divine forgiveness. Minimizing or diluting that gift is a trick from the kingdom of darkness. Instead, he tries to manipulate us into forgetting about the power of forgiveness. He reinforces this by continually accusing you and me about past or current failures, RELENTLESSLY.
3) We receive forgiveness. Then we extend forgiveness because we have received it and can give it. When that pipeline gets clogged, when we have a hard time receiving it or giving it, the power of forgiveness is diminished. That’s not because God has less forgiveness, but because there is too much restriction on our end. So, let’s keep the pathways open!