The David Spoon Experience Part 2 10-20-21
Not too shabby through the phone:
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) We travel back to the future, where we discover that the past cannot be altered. We have thought, said, and done several things that we would prefer to be able to “take back,” but alas, it isn’t so. Whether it’s the church, business, or relationships, we must be careful not to give the past grief a present foothold.
2) There is one who does not favor us. We are his heartburn. He often tries to use what was as a tool to disrupt what is or what can be. When we go backward, in our hearts, we open the door for discontentedness. When we go backward, we are not going forwards, and when we go backward, to prior pain, we make the hurt fresh again.
3) Here is the key. God is not boring. God is not dull. The Christian life is a journey, an adventure, a quest, and an intended destination. If our journey is dull, it’s because we are shutting down the “new” that God wants to do. Being in Christ is exciting. Especially when what’s around the corner is not scary but fun because of what He has planned for us.