The David Spoon Experience Part 2 10-11-21
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) In Ezra’s prayer, he confesses the sins of the people in their engagement with God for the nation of Israel. While the current foreign policy is to bribe other countries to love America, the biblical plan is to have nothing to do with them. It’s a global economy if you understand the demonic approach of a one-world government. Jesus taught against this.
2) Let’s think about the simplicity of the commands of God. Don’t eat the fruit (much more likely a pomegranate than an apple), and you won’t die spiritually and then physically. Instead, you will have fellowship with me forever in this beautiful and peaceful garden. Of course, there are things to be avoided. But, that action will bring the blessings of the Lord.
3) Spank, spank. Ouch, ouch. Come on, Dad, that hurts. But as we have mentioned before, the discipline of the Lord is far less than we deserve. If we defy our Creator, we deserve destruction. Are you still living? Well then, you received far less than you deserve. So let’s live in that righteous attitude and not in one that boasts, “we are entitled.”