The David Spoon Experience Part 2 1-6-22
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) In the days of our youth if you were a typical child or teenager, we would see just how much we could get away with regarding our parents and their knowledge, punishment and swiftness to catch us. But now that we are grown up, or better said, some people still play this game now that we are older. They play this game with God. News Flash! We will get away with exactly zero. So, why test the Spirit of the Lord?
2) We often talk about fear in the Bible. One fear robs life and another fear of honor, respect, and appreciation that we should have before the Lord. But let’s not be unaware that the Lord drops the Holiness-Hammer from time to time, and our response should be steeped in maturity. An overwhelmingness emits from God when His judgment falls around us will produce a holy tremble. And rightly so. It’s holy ground.
3) What is the result of God dropping His judgment on Ananias and Sapphira? People were more careful about joining the church. But wait, don’t we want anybody to join from anywhere? No. If people join the church like they join a country club, for the benefits and advantages, it is the Lord who will respond. He’s not looking for half-hearted followers or pretenders. That makes Him nauseous. He’s looking for the real deal.