The David Spoon Experience Part 2 1-5-22
A Tribute To Pastor Ray Bentley: Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) Dreams can be so much fun. They can be funny, weird, like a hot sauce dream. And they can be bizarre beyond any Twilight Zone show. But God does speak through dreams. And from time to time, He will speak to you and me, or Job was a liar when he said: "He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people, as they lie in their beds" in Job 33:15.
2) Here's an interesting truth about God communicating through dreams; Some of those dreams are unconditional. There is nothing attached to them. They will happen. Period! But other dreams may be conditional, with obligations of certain actions that the Lord requires from us. And these lessons, as Job wrote in chapter 33:16-17, can be hard. Not every lesson from God is skittles and rainbows.
3) Here is a key to understanding what God is communicating: Sometimes, the harshest lessons, the toughest dreams, the deepest rebukes are based on God's unlimited love and commitment to us. He warns us and redirects us to protect us. God doesn't reprimand us because He hates us. On the contrary, true biblical love is shown when God rebukes us because He loves us, EXACTLY as Jesus said in Revelation 3:19. So, we need to put on our big boy pants and listen.