The David Spoon Experience Part 2 1-4-22
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) Don’t eat the fruit from this tree. If you do, you will die. Spiritually first and then physically. So, don’t eat the fruit. Don’t do it. You can have any other fruit in the whole Garden. Anything. Eat up. It’s all yours for the choosing. Don’t focus on the no, no. Focus on the yes, yes. More definitive is “Do not touch,” which means don’t touch it. Period!
2) One of the many keys to engagement with God is realizing that we are not informing Him of anything when we pray. He is omniscient. He knows what the prayers will be and whether they will have a mustard seed of faith. What He wants (and enjoys) is the engagement, the interaction between Him and His creation. So, in this string of wisdom, honesty is not only the best policy, but it’s also the only policy.
3) “Jesus, your words are too hard to live by and too hard to understand. So we’re taking our ball and going home.” These people were upset. But they were dumb-dumb upset, so they left and went home. King David was upset but in an honest way. He didn’t take his ball and go home. He wanted to figure out how to get past the obstacle between him and God.