The David Spoon Experience Part 2 1-21-22
Welcome to the 90-minute show of The David Spoon Experience.
This 60-minutes is all about:
1) First, self-evaluation is not a bad thing. There are at least ten references in the New Testament to do so. There is a moment when Jesus challenges the Disciples at the Last Supper. He makes a statement that one of His followers will betray Him. That is our worst fear if we are authentic believers. We cannot escape that Jesus chose the Twelve, so He purposely chose someone who would betray Him. But we examine how ALL the Disciples respond.
2) You are not a blockhead. I am not a nitwit. Most of the time. But when it comes to ministry and being a vessel of the Lord, we have a rather unique competency. That’s because our competency is not from our own strength, power, or wisdom. Our proficiency comes directly from God, bypassing much of our rocks for brains. Thank God (get it?) it doesn’t fully depend on us.
3) It is important to note that while our competency comes from God (2 Corinthians 3:5), we are not in a state of suspended animation during our engagements with and for God. He gives us talents, gifts, abilities, and stewardships to be used for His glory and honor. That means that we have to operate with a wee bit of faith, risk, trust, boldness, and good old fashion sweat. To that end, to insult Him as the Giver seems dumb. But how do we insult Him? By burying the stewardships that He gives us.