The David Spoon Experience Part 2 7-28-2022
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) He did not open His mouth: This is one of the reasons why Jesus is MY savior. And one of the reasons why I don’t do too many interviews and public exposures. I am not confident I can keep or maintain myself without freaking out. This is not false humiliation; it’s just an honest evaluation. I pray to have more self-control, as Jesus did. I pray to operate in this fruit of the Holy Spirit. How about you? 2) One of the more significant issues flowing through the 21st-century church is legacy. What will we leave behind? And so many of us “parents” want to leave behind children who will follow in our faith’s footsteps. Wouldn’t it be awesome if they had the same spiritual zone we have? Guess what? Jesus didn’t have any of His physical children to carry on His legacy. So, how did He do in leaving His mark? 3) People don’t have all the answers. We don’t have all the answers. But we should know the word and the Lord well enough that if someone asks, “Hey, what’s this whole Chrisitan thing that’s going on?” we could answer them. We don’t have to be brilliant or professional. We need to share about Jesus. And we start from where they are at. God will do the rest. Amen!