The David Spoon Experience 9-8-23 Part 1
A) Hebrews chapter 13, starting at verse 16. Keep in mind that we are only two teaching days away from finishing the book of Hebrews. The first thing the author of Hebrews says is, “Don’t neglect to do what is good and to share.” It sounds like the simple rules of kindergarten; be good and share. The reason is simple: God is pleased when people offer their lives as sacrifices by doing good and sharing when they have the opportunity.
B) The next instruction is to obey our leaders and submit to them since they keep watch over your souls. This does not tell leaders to make their followers obey or demand submission. Instead, it tells us to respond obediently to our leaders in our Christian walk and to submit to their biblical counsel. It does not give leaders the authority to make personal decisions in our lives, but if our leader is good, we should be able to seek their counsel to help us make the best possible choices. Remember, this is voluntary submission, and if the leader is no longer walking like Jesus, then you are no longer required to respond in obedience or submission.
C) Next, the author asks for prayer. “Pray for us.” He simply says that they are trying to do everything with the right spirit and attitude to the best of their ability. They hope that all they have said and done is honorable before the Lord, but they ask for prayer because everyone - every leader and believer - needs help.
D) Then he gets more specific: “And I urge you all the more to pray that I may be restored to you soon.” So, in the first request, the prayers are general and spread out like a shotgun blast. In the next request, the prayer is very specific: “Pray that I will be restored to you.” Both forms of prayer are acceptable and normal in the Christian walk.