The David Spoon Experience 9-27-23 part 2
TDSE welcomes Jammin Jacob. 1) Who is Faithful …to the End? God is. But it doesn’t always “appear” that way. Primarily because now, we see dimly. Later on, we will see it all clear. 1 Corinthians 13:12 states, For now, we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. So who, besides our good friend Job, would be an excellent example for us to study in the Scriptures of someone who, by appearance, had tons of life yuck? That would have to be Naomi. She has one of the best cases of “what happened” that is holy writ. Joseph has an excellent case to make, but Naomi must be crowned queen.
2) Her trials were so difficult that Naomi changed her name to reflect her circumstances. Now, that is being focused on your situation. She changed her name to Mara, which means bitter. If you think that you are close to where Naomi was, then you can relate to these statements: 1) She had been up, but now she was down. 2) She had high hopes, but Hope deferred makes the heart sick. 3) She was broke and at the bottom.
3) But something entered into Naomi’s life that changed her. It wasn’t that she won a jackpot. It wasn’t that everything changed in a moment. It only takes a moment for a miracle, but that is not what happened for her. It wasn’t a vision, a dream, or an angel from God that brought her any relief. It was a sliver. Various words for a sliver are flake, fragment, shaving, shred, slice, and snippet. And then it all changed for Naomi.
4) God can take the impossible and make it possible because nothing is impossible for God. He can do it in a nanosecond, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, or a thousand years. His timing is perfect; our timing loses its mind when we watch a pot boiling. But when the Lord cracks the door, and that sliver of light and hope emerges, it changes the entire game. And a fresh attitude becomes possible because we can see redemption. And we can see restoration.