The David Spoon Experience 9-22-22 Part 2
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) After all this stuff, Saul is being transformed. He is in Damascus after his contact with Ananias. And he is going to stick around for a while. So, he has to stay with some other believers. How would you like to be the host family for a guy that had people like yourself executed or thrown in jail? It’s only a few days, but imagine being those people. 2) Different people respond to the Christian experience differently. Some people, like myself, after the initial surrender, do nothing special. Some people, after some time, still do nothing special. And then there are the people like Saul, who get zapped, electrified, touched, and turn into a fiery preaching machine. So it’s different for everyone for one simple theological reason; everyone is different. 3) Everybody that heard about this was amazed. They were blown away that Saul, who was persecuting their faith, was now promoting that same faith. He became a hero to believers and a deplorable to the deceivers and unbelievers. Saul joined God’s army, discovering he was more hated than ever before. Gee…now where have I heard this before?