The David Spoon Experience 9-20-23 Part 2
1) On August 20th, Noelle and I heard a wonderful message at Crossroads Church in Rowlett by Jason Collins. He made excellent points about people living to please others and how they might even compromise who they are and what they believe to find approval. He acknowledged that he struggles with this himself, something I appreciate. Any minister who acknowledges this earns my respect, but it must still be dealt with.
2) One of the biggest problems is that Christians in today’s society are told to put on their “Jesus face.” This means nothing to anyone in the Kingdom of God because nobody specifies if it’s the face Jesus made when someone was healing someone or the face he made while being crucified. In fact, everyone who tries to change who they are is actually sinning against what God created, especially those in the transgender and woke arena.
3) The thing that irritates the Lord more than any other element in religious circles is hypocrisy. The word “hypocrite” comes from the Greek word “hupokrites,” which finds its origin in the concept of an “actor.” Wearing a mask has been a long tradition for drama and theater people before the New Testament was written. But the admonition not to be like an actor when engaging with one another in fellowship is specifically drawn out to the level where, when Ananias and Sapphira did it, God killed them. That’s New Testament, folks.
4) Here’s the key: God never makes mistakes when creating someone. He never creates garbage or trash. People who don’t see themselves as God’s creation don’t understand the high value He places on them. It’s amazing how quickly we forget that God loves us and that we are his masterpiece. Even though we make mistakes and don’t do everything perfectly, we understand that we exist in the forgiveness, grace, and mercy that come through the redeeming work of Jesus Christ. So be yourself - it’s a lot easier.