The David Spoon Experience 9-20-22 Part 2
This 60-minutes is all about: 1) Okey Dokie artichokes. There was no “Eye of the Needle” entrance in Jerusalem. There was no idea of an eye of the needle until the 900s. I used to like Bill O’Reilly, but his bible understanding was highly flawed. The3 story breaks down like this: Jesus said it is difficult for a wealthy person to enter the kingdom of God. Why? Because of self-reliance. This threw the disciples for a lop because they, like most of us today, think God favors the wealthy. Wrongo bongo. Salvation is impossible without the direct action of God. And He favors the poor (James 2:5). 2) Here is a fantastic thought. It is better to be disciplined by God than to be ignored by God. As brutal as this may sound, open rebuke is better than secret love. And God only disciplines those He loves. To be disciplined by God is a message that He loves us. When He jumps into our lives with what we think is a mushy mess, He tells us that he loves us enough to get involved with the stiff of life. That is much better than God not paying attention to us. 3) In keeping with the goofy worldly interpretation of the camel and the eye of the needle, let’s throw another truth into the mix. The world of science is always, no wait, never settled. But, unlike God’s truth, science changes with the creation of tacos and burritos. Trusting the science is like agreeing with medical doctors that smoking is good for you. Or better yet, the overall accusation that Bible Believers believed the earth was flat. The faithful church of God never believed that. But the governments who played religion did. God told everyone that the world was round. Go figure.