The David Spoon Experience 9-13-24 part 2
1) It’s Friday, and Fridays are known for Dr. Dave’s devotional diamonds of the day. While we’ve had fun and I have almost finished the book of Acts, we’re going to backtrack into a particular section for two of our teachings. These teachings are fantastic if we apply them to our lives and mix them with faith. The first one has to do with how to handle our lives when we’re not sure what’s coming around the corner.
2) The next teaching we examine concerns how we approach serving God. Paul is the example, and he provides three different elements that teach us how to serve the Lord God Almighty. Of course, these are not the only characteristics we use when serving the Lord, but these particular qualities show a great sense of maturity in the Christian faith. Remember, we want everything and anything that is profitable for Christians.
3) What do ears, rocks, Abraham, and Sarah have to do with one another? What do pursuing righteousness and seeking God have to do with one another? You can probably guess what I’m going to tell you. But the big lesson for heading into the weekend is the understanding that only God can take “one” and turn it into “many.” Only God can take nothing and make it something. And only God can take the bad and make it into something good. The answer, then, is simply…only God.
4) Have you ever played the game Pin the Tail on the Donkey? Yes, many of us have. What do we do? We blindfold the participant, spin them around, give them a pin, and say, push it against the wall. The problem is the person playing the game cannot see. The funny part is the people who can see are laughing because the person can’t see. But this actually has an application to the Christian Walk. Do you ever feel like you are walking with a blindfold on and have no direction? Have I got a message for you!