The David Spoon Experience 9-12-23 Part 1
A) As we often say, Jesus didn’t come with Skittles and rainbows, giving the peace sign and telling everybody that everything was fine. His disciples gained an understanding of what was taking place while Jesus was teaching parables. It’s as straightforward as can be. The people see what Jesus did but don’t really see it. They hear what Jesus says, but they don’t really hear it.
B) Of course, all of this is connected to prophecy, specifically the prophecy from Isaiah chapter six, verses 9 and 10. Three interesting elements emerge from this: The people’s eyes are in operation, but they do not see the truth. Their ears are in operation, but they do not hear the truth. Their hearts are in operation, but they do not understand the truth.
C) It is sad that people reject Jesus, but there is another side to this coin: there is gladness for those of us who accept him. While Jesus wanted people to turn to him so he could heal them, those who don’t miss that healing. But those of us who do receive it and our eyes and ears are blessed. Many great people of faith from the past have wondered about what we are experiencing, but they did not get the opportunity to experience it themselves. But because we say yes to Jesus, we are blessed.
D) At the end of this passage, Jesus gives a very interesting one-line hermeneutical lesson for all the brilliant Bible scholars out there. He says: “Here is the explanation of the story about the Sower sowing the seed.” Everybody, me included, looks at these stories and applies them as our limited brains suggest. But the truth of the matter is that when Jesus explains a parable, the explanation is the story, and nothing can or should be added.