The David Spoon Experience 8-8-23 Part 2
1) I love Galatians. It's amazing to recognize that when we start our Christian journey, we begin with the most simplistic faith but often add to it. The entire purpose of this epistle is for us to stop doing that. Does God work miracles among us and give us the Holy Spirit because we're obedient or because we have faith? The answer is implied in the question: by faith. We see miracles and get filled with more of the Holy Spirit in the present tense.
2) God declared Abraham righteous by his faith. Therefore, the real children of Abraham are those who put their faith in God. While circumcision was a sign in the flesh, faith is a sign of the heart. When we put faith in God from our hearts, he circumcises our hearts, making us more the children of Abraham than anything else.
3) Galatians 3:8-9 provides yet another stellar testimony about God declaring the gospel ahead of time through the Old Testament. The Scriptures state that the good news was given to Abraham a long time ago: that by faith, people would be accepted by God. If people have genuine faith, they have a genuine desire to be obedient to what the Lord desires.
4) All who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his faith. This means that if we have faith in Jesus Christ, we are heirs of Abraham and his offspring because we have put our faith in Christ, just like Abraham put his faith in God's promise. This makes us not only connected to Abraham but related to him in the mind and heart of God.