The David Spoon Experience 8-7-23 Part 1 Start SD
30 minutes:
Hello San Diego! A) To this end, we labor and suffer reproach; here, reproach has a variety of interpretations. The Greek work is agōnizometha, where we get the word to agonize. Other translations translate the word to strive or to struggle hard. As believers and ambassadors for Jesus Christ, we work, toil, agonize, and struggle for the kingdom.
B) But the reason we go through this: we ACTUALLY trust the Living God and not the dying government or its minions. The reason we go through bizarre spiritual attacks is the very fact that we trust in God. It is a distinguishing mark for us as His children. Because we trust in the Creator, all the rebellious creation hates us like they hated Jesus. But we push through as Jesus taught us to do.
C) Who is the Savior of all men. The Savior is God. Jesus is the Savior. Jesus is God. And the offer is to all. But it only applies to those who believe. Contrary to the dark theology of Universalism, a theory that WRONGLY proclaims everyone will be saved, the road to life is narrow, and there are few that find it. Jesus (the good moral teacher who would never lie) said, “I am the way.” He did not say, “Go ahead and make up your own way.”
D) Let no one despise your youth: Don’t let that kind of stuff touch you. Because somebody thinks or says something about you …doesn’t mean you have to wear their yuck like a hat on your head. Instead, be an example. Not only should we ignore the attacks, but we should go beyond that and show we are true to the Lord and ourselves by our example, which means by what we say and do.