The David Spoon Experience 8-29-23 Part 2
John, Nola's Granddad, calls in to share how the family is doing.
1) In Galatians 4:19, Paul emphasizes how God delivered His laws through angels to Moses, who then became the mediator between God and the people. It's essential to note that while Moses served as a mediator, he was not an eternal one; the only eternal mediator is Jesus Christ.
2) Paul also highlights the significance of having a mediator when two parties enter into an agreement. In our case, God took the initiative and entered into an agreement on our behalf through Jesus Christ, recognizing that we cannot fulfill our part of the bargain without help.
3) This raises the question of whether there is a conflict or contradiction between the Old and New Testaments. However, the scripture clarifies that there is no conflict. Instead, it reveals that we are prisoners of sin, and the law's power exposes our need for something more to progress spiritually in God.
4) Before Jesus's coming, the law played the role of a tutor and guardian, acting as a form of protective custody, making us keenly aware that our deliverance was imminent through Jesus Christ. Paul concludes by emphasizing that the law guided us toward Christ; it pointed us to Him. Through faith in Jesus, we find righteousness and reconciliation with God. To be right with God, we must have faith in Jesus.