The David Spoon Experience 8-24-23 Part 2
1) As Paul takes his leave of Corinth, He journeys with Pricilla and Aquilla. It’s worth noting that Aquilla is the husband—a male. And Priscilla is the wife - a female (Acts 18:2). There are some who profess Jesus, but to their shame, they deny His truth. It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. And if God wanted to be known as “no sex divinity,” then He would have manifested Himself that way. But He referenced Himself as male over two thousand times. So, there’s that.
2) Then the apostle states, “I will come back, God willing.” How can we not love this? This is my plan. This is what I’m going to do. This is my future if God is willing. How can Paul not know? But God is not always telling. James 4:1-16 states; Instead, you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” 16 As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.
3) “He visited all the believers, encouraging and helping them grow in the Lord.” These are a few of my favorite things. Two principles stand out for me. The first is that the apostle was encouraging the believers. To encourage is to assist, help, or push. It means to add courage. And the second is helping believers grow in the Lord. Is this head knowledge? Yes. Is this heart knowledge? Yes. Is this relationship knowledge? Yes.
4) And we now come to the introduction of Apollos. What do we know about Apollos? He was a Jew. He was an eloquent speaker. And he had a strong knowledge of the scriptures. He had great enthusiasm and a strong, accurate knowledge of Jesus. BUT…He only knew of the baptism of John. He took his limited knowledge, and he used it in partnership with God. And he used it well. But there was more for him to learn. And more to grow in. Just like each one of us.