The David Spoon Experience 8-2-23 Part 2
1) Well, Gang, it's time to venture into unknown and undiscussed territories. We're going to talk about exorcism the first thing that we're going to do is identify how demons can affect us as Christians. You're going to find out that there is more than one way that they can create problems for us. Keep in mind, it's spiritual warfare, and as the old saying goes, All is fair and love and war. They don't really care what the rules are from our perspective. The only rules they have to obey are God’s rules. With that in mind, let's adventure in.
2) There are three key component areas where spiritual warfare comes to play for the Christian. We will discuss these three different categories. BUT, but, but, but… please be aware of two very important principles as we get involved. Number one, there is not a demon hiding behind every single rock. Not every time you have a bad meal or every time somebody drives lousy is that because a demon has influenced them. Number two is in the exact opposite direction. Assuming that there's no demonic activity is equally as ignorant and unbiblical.
3) We're going to do our best to put to bed a few myths regarding demons, both on the positive and negative side of things. We're going to discuss the question of what possession is and what demonization is.
4) As you can imagine, many of these applications are going on in the framework of scripture that people try to conclude with their immovable theology. Let's not get caught up in those things, as opposed to getting caught up in the reality that Jesus came to destroy the works of the enemy, as specifically stated in 1 John 3:8, and while we are still here, Jesus commanded us to follow His mission.