The David Spoon Experience 8-1-23 Part 1
A) We come to Matthew Chapter 12, Verse 22 and a classic portion about Jesus talking about engagements with the prince of demons. In the initial encounter, a man who is blind and unable to talk was brought to Jesus for healing. Jesus healed him in both areas. And this brought astonishment to the crowd; they asked the question OUT LOWD…Is this Jesus the Messiah?
B) As we’ve talked about many times, the people in charge of the religious department, the Jewish leaders, and the Pharisees were not very pleased that people responded so positively to Jesus. So, they responded by saying that the way that Jesus is able to cast out spirits is from Satan’s power himself. This shows that the Pharisees were not unaware of Satan. But they did not care as much about spiritual warfare as they did about losing control.
C) Jesus responds by giving the classic truth that Abraham Lincoln borrowed in his speech. And the reality is that it starts this way; first and foremost, any kingdom at war within itself is doomed. Any city that is at war with itself is doomed. Then He said any household that is at war with itself is doomed. There must be a capacity to bring peace, which does help us understand a little better this beatitude, Blessed are the peacemakers.
D) Then Jesus gets in a quick jab or two by saying that the people that have followed the Pharisees have been involved in casting out spirits. So, when they say that Jesus is doing it by a foreign power, how are their followers doing it differently? And then this lays down the truth, which sets up one of the biggest reviews in the New Testament. The works that Jesus does is by the power of the Holy Spirit. It proves that the Kingdom of God has arrived.