The David Spoon Experience 7-7-23 Part 2
1) It's important for Christians to understand that struggling against sin is a much better place to be than simply just accepting sin in our lives. In Isaiah, there's a challenging portion that talks about the things that block the flow of God, and it all comes down to that nasty word sin. The truth of the matter is that sin, in any and every capacity, create barriers between God and us. Once we are Christians, the judicial side of life is handled by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. But the day-to-day practical aspects of sin in our lives BLOCKS the pipe and the flow between God and us. We need some Divine Drano.
2) A few pseudo-Christian groups try to say that the cross is not a beautiful thing. But they're wrong. In and on the cross, we moved from death to life. In and on the cross, we find forgiveness. And in and on the cross, we find the record of our debt eliminated. And in and on the cross, we find the legal demands have been set to satisfaction. When we nail it to the cross, it's over. It is finished! That’s exactly what Jesus said. That means we can glory and boast in, on, and about the cross because it is at the cross where we first see the light.