The David Spoon Experience 7-26-23 Part 1
A) The steps of a good man: This is, of course, applicable to all God’s kids. But let’s be honest for a moment. The simplicity is that everyone in the world thinks they are good, with a little bit of evil. The Lord makes it clear that people are evil, with a little bit of good, because they are made in God’s image. But as authentic believers, we CAN BE good more often. And we know, even in sincere humility, whether we are “good” before the Lord (not the world) or not. In Jesus, it’s good.
B) The promise is that our steps are “ordered” by the Lord. How great to know that we are not just walking blindly. We are actually on a path, even if we can’t see the steps ahead. The Lord can see the steps ahead for us. Another word for ordered is established. Our steps are established by God.
C) AND, even though we may fall, stumble, or veer off the path laid out for us because the Lord God Almighty is in charge of the journey, He will not abandon or forget us. The reason why we won’t forever fall is as solid as it gets. The Lord has us in the palm of His hand. With His hand, he catches us when we fall. With His hands, there is safety. In His hands, there is security and safety.|
D) Then David does “the review.” In examining his life from young to old, he declares that He has NEVER seen the righteous forsaken. He has never seen His seed begging for bread. He has never seen the offspring of God abandon. The power is in the realization that God has never, nor will ever, fail us.