The David Spoon Experience 7-20-23 Part 2
60 minutes:
1) In Acts chapter 17, we find Paul engaging in debates with Epicurean and Stoic philosophers. It is important to note that debates themselves are not wrong as long as they are not driven by a spirit of superiority or argumentativeness. Christians should rely on the power of God's truth, which in itself provides all the assurance and encouragement needed.
2) When presenting the Gospel to those who have never heard it or have limited exposure to Christianity, it might sound strange or foreign to them. However, when people's hearts are open, they often show curiosity and ask for more. This is the opportune moment to continue sharing and providing further insights. As ambassadors of the kingdom, our aim is to share the beauty of our faith when people express interest and to be ready to share, in season and out of season.
3) Paul's approach at Mars Hill demonstrates a classic method of using his audience's own knowledge to lead them to the presentation of the Gospel. Similarly, guided by the Holy Spirit, my brother Billy used something I was fond of (comic books) to illustrate the difference between good and evil, connecting it to God and Satan.
4) Part of Paul's defense (Apologia is the Greek word for speaking in defense, which is where we get the word “apologetics”) includes the observation that God does not dwell in man-made temples and that human efforts cannot fulfill His needs, as He lacks nothing. He enables us to fellowship with Him, but His existence is independent of us. This simple truth should humble those who seek to understand God's ways.