The David Spoon Experience 7-18-23 Part 2
1) In Galatians 2:17, Paul raises a question that many of you have asked me: What happens if we have faith in Christ but still struggle with sin? Paul first emphasizes that it is not Christ's fault for our ongoing struggles.
2) Paul reminds us that when we realize we still have sin, we often try to rebuild our righteousness based on the old system, which was ineffective from the beginning. So, when we attempt to reconstruct the old system, we cannot blame Christ for the shortcomings.
3) The truth is that when we resort to relying on the law to make ourselves righteous, we forget the significance of Jesus Christ's redemption. We had already acknowledged our need for Jesus to obtain righteousness, but when we find ourselves sinning again, instead of turning back to Jesus, we attempt to handle it on our own.
4) A classic verse in the New Testament is when Paul states, "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." This means that it is Jesus within him who accomplishes righteousness, and he must trust in the Son of God for his entire existence. Any other approach disregards the meaning of God's grace. If we adopt such an approach, it implies that Jesus did not need to die for us in the first place. It is a harsh reality to confront, realizing that we are undermining the purpose of God's sacrifice.