The David Spoon Experience 7-13-23 Part 2
1) The believers sent Paul and Silas to Berea: In case you are wondering, this move by the believers was not to send these servants on a luxury cruise. It was to get them out of Dodge. For the believer’s safety and for Paul and Silas’s safety. This is strong proof that when the early church condemned people for moving out of harm’s way, there were not considering ALL of the counsel of God. There is a time to stand and be martyred. And there is a time to duck and cover.
2) The Bereans were awesome. At least in the beginning. I mean, they were so awesome that we had a bookstore chain that is called Berean Bookstores. But why were the Bereans so awesome, like I said, at least to start with? Because they were more open-minded and searched diligently to see if the things that were being taught were ACTUALLY in the Scriptures.
3a) A great example of this truth is the principle of unconditional love. God’s love is unconditional in the sense that it is offered to everyone. But for those who reject God, that love does save them. God loves “everyone” in the sense that He sends His rain on the just and the unjust. He loves everyone in that He gives people the opportunity to repent. He loves everyone in the context that all people are His offspring. This is called His UNIVERSAL Love.
3b) God doesn’t love “everyone” in the sense that He has mercy on some but not on others. He doesn’t love everyone in that He doesn’t give every person the “heart” to repent and be saved. “Jacob, have I loved, but Esau have I hated,” as well as hating the wicked. This is called His DISTINCTIVE Love. The fullness of this love is revealed in connection to Jesus Christ. Not everyone has Jesus Christ.
4) But guess what happened? Other people from other places are influenced by other wisdom that is Not from God. And the lights out, fantastic Bereans take a sharp left turn (Eccl. 10:2: but the foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left), and once again, Paul was sent (and escorted) to Athens. But this redirection was the plan of God. It usually is. Amen.