The David Spoon Experience 6-9-23 Part 1
A) It doesn't get better than this portion right here in Hebrews chapter 12. It tells us exactly how Jesus endured all that He had to put up with. He was able to endure simply because of the joy that was set before Him. He could see past the situation into the next realm. This could be the single biggest challenge for Christians. We have to walk by faith and not by sight. We have to walk past what we see and to walk in what we believe.
B) Jesus is called the Source and the Perfector of our faith. This means that He is the Author and the Finisher, the one who writes the book and finishes the project. Our faith is. He is our Pioneer and the Closer. It is the gift of Jesus Christ and His love for us. He is the reason we are even in this pursuit in the first place. He is our Lord and Savior.
C) What is it that Jesus used as a tool to enable Him to endure the suffering He did? What did He utilize that gave Him the power and the stamina to go through the trials and the tribulations? He used the joy that was set before Him. And we are supposed to use the joy that is set before us. That's the instruction of the Scriptures, to use the joy set before us to help us endure and prevail.