The David Spoon Experience 6-27-23 Part 2
1) Here in Galatians, Chapter 2, verse 11, we come to a very special part of the scriptures. Specifically, this is where Paul confronts Peter for his hypocrisy. This does not give us the license to rebuke people that we don’t like because we don’t think they’re doing the right thing. Paul was operating in the authority of the Holy Spirit to confront an equal in the realm of ministry. And he specifically told him. It was very wrong. But even when you read what Paul said. Paul’s not being mean about it. He’s just saying what the obvious transgression is.
2) To sum up the situation, Peter had no problem hanging out with the Gentiles. In fact, Peter loved the Gentiles. He’s the one that brought the Gospel to the Gentiles. But some of James’s friends came to town, and Peter suddenly became a Gentile-phoebe. He wouldn’t hang out with the Gentiles, and he wouldn’t engage with the Gentiles.
3) Paul’s confrontation, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, is one of logic and practicality. He says to Peter, “You, who are Jewish, are living like a Gentile, BUT you are trying to get the Gentiles to live the way that the Jews do.” That doesn’t wash. Then Paul restates how we are supposed to walk as brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s in the manner that we have been accepted by God through Jesus Christ, through the vehicle of faith, given by grace. Because the law, and our obedience to the law, could never save anyone. It has always been salvation by Grace. Amen!