The David Spoon Experience 6-15-23 Part 1
A) Paul pours out his heart before the Corinthian Church. He tells them I've held nothing back. I've given you my very heart. I've given you my very self. Is it unreasonable for me to ask the same from you could you at least give me some of your heart? The idea is that Paul is pouring himself out for them and opening himself up for them. He is trying to be a benefit and a blessing. He wants to know if they think it's O.K. for him to ask for a little bit in return.
B) Unequally Yoked: 6:14 Unequally yoked refers both to Christians joining pagans in idolatrous practices (v. 16) and so closely yoking themselves (in any close relationship) with unbelievers that they compromise the integrity of faith. His allusion is to Deut. 22:10. A warning against marriage to an unbeliever is obviously an appropriate application (SFLSB, NET Bible).
C) The next portion gives the definitive distinctions between believers and unbelievers. It’s similar to the differences between the righteous and the wicked, light and darkness, Jesus Christ and the enemy. God intends His people to be holy. That means separated. It doesn’t mean that we don’t engage with others. It means that we don’t allow others to transform us. Whether that’s people, the media, the government, the educational system, or any other entity. When we put ourselves in a place to be molded by them, we are unequally yoked.
D) In fact, in regard to holiness, God says, “I will live in them. I will walk with them. I will be their God. They will be my people.” In order for that to happen, He says in verse 17, “Come out from among them and be separate. And I will receive you. I will be your Father, and you’ll be My sons and daughters.” That’s difficult to manifest if you can’t tell the difference between a believer and a non-believer.