The David Spoon Experience 6-14-23 Part 1
A) We now arrive at Psalm 37, which is one of my absolute favorites. In fact, I use this psalm in my devotions daily. The first verse is calling us to maintain an awareness in order not to lose our cookies We should never fret because of evildoers. We should never be envious because people who are rebellious against God seem to be skating along in life.
B) The truth of the matter is that they will be cut down like grass, and they will wither away and die. In a certain sense, You could almost feel sorry for some of these people because they do not realize that everything they’re pouring into this life will not assist them in the next life. This will be all they have. And even within that framework, they still have tremendous ups and downs. They have nothing that is wonderful, eternal and fantastic to look forward to. That’s a drag.
C) Verse three starts to hammer in some of the great truths of David’s connection and his passion for the Lord. Trust in the Lord and do good. Dwell in His land and feed on His faithfulness. That tells you something about the food that David ate. He ate, lived, breathed, drank, slept, walked, ran, fought, talked, and thought in God’s faithfulness, living at the forefront of his thoughts. Gosh, if we did that, life wouldn’t be so tough. Get it?