The David Spoon Experience 6-12-23 Part 2
1) Job says, I long for the years gone by. Guess what the Lord longs for? The way that you and I used to engage with Him and enjoy Him on a continual basis before we got distracted. To Revelation, chapter 2, we go. I mention Revelation 2 because this is where Jesus said to remember,repent, and do what you did at first. It wasn't that the Lord moved. It’s us! We moved because of distractions in our lives.
2) It's one thing to look back and appreciate. It's another thing to look back and be dissatisfied or disappointed. When we keep looking backward and saying those were the days, we've lost the ability to walk forward in the Lord. We just talked not too long ago about Lot's wife. The lesson is that if you look back at something that you shouldn't keep looking back on, you'll turn into salt. The other lesson is that if you look back on something that's favorable, you don't sit there and pout about it. Instead, say, “Lord, let me get there again.” That's a different spirit.
3) Job 29:11-20 are all about how great Job was. Isn't that amazing? He's so great, he's so fantastic, that 15 different times, he says I. That just tells you where his focus is. That's the problem; even the most righteous people in scripture have a tendency to point to themselves. Job is a great guy. He's very mature, but he's not sinless. When it says in King James that he was perfect, it means he was complete or mature. But, in this particular area, he's not operating with a great deal of maturity. He's focused on the I…I...I. Scripture wants us to focus on we, we, we. 4) As Job winds down in chapter 29 and is almost completely done with his speech. He just acknowledges, in an unfortunate way, that it was all about him. He is bummed about what people thought about him. How he engaged with other people and how great he thought he was to them was a BIG problem for him. And for many of us too.