The David Spoon Experience 5-9-23 Part 2
1) I did not consult with anyone else. If our faith is genuine. We don’t need to have that verified by somebody else. If God has revealed Himself to us, He just revealed Himself to us. Our accountability is between God and us. It doesn’t depend on somebody else’s approval. It does, however, require obedience.
2) After quite some time. Approximately three years, the Apostle Paul ended up meeting with the Apostle Peter and James, the Lord’s brother. This is one of those elements within scripture where we understand that James, who wrote the epistle, is the James who’s in charge of Acts 15. And the other James was dead by this time. So, there’s that. Doubters often become powerful believers.
3) At the end of this first chapter of Galatians, Paul mentioned something that most of us don’t think about. The things that happen to us can connect to various people. But we don’t know the full ripple effect of people telling other people, telling other people. And with that in mind, there are times when our testimonies, seemingly small and insignificant, reach people who don’t even know us. And they praise God because of the testimony of God and the work that God has done inside our lives. That, my friends, is cool.