The David Spoon Experience 5-4-23 Part 2
1) Committed to the grace of GOD: So, when we hear this, we think it sounds great. But to do this is something to bring us to a whole different level. If we are truly committed to the grace of God, we would engage others using the grace that has been bestowed upon us. To whom much is given , much is required.
2) Telling ALL that God has done: I know that it is hard to think this way. Especially if the Lord has done something so “fantastical” that other people think that you are nutsy coo-coo. But we are called to share it ALL. Even the stuff that might freak people out. It could be that those very things help a person move forward in the Lord.
3) And began to teach the Christians (brothers). People who are NOT Christians OFTEN try to teach Christians how Christians should believe, act, and function in this world. Wow. A non-believer tells a believer how they should be in order for the non-believer to accept them. Hell no…is how we want to approach defying God over the worldly influence and the worldly governments. And if they don’t like it, we know where they can and will likely go.
4) Argued forcefully and at length: This is not a wrong spirit. This is part of the defense for the Gospel. This is needed now more than ever. Stand firm.