The David Spoon Experience 5-24-23 Part 2
1) And here we go with some more Spoon-Fed teaching on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. From prophecy, the gift that the Lord makes clear is the best because it blesses the most, to the discernment of spirits, the gift that is least used and the most needed in the collective and local church. We review the definition of this gift and examine the difference between the role of discernment and the Gift of Discerning Spirits.
2) It is important to understand that God, ACCORDING TO HIS WORD, does not want us to be ignorant regarding spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1). But too many people think that they are unworthy to operate in any sort of power encounter because they are not an apostle, or they are not holy enough. Let’s drop this down the garbage chute right away. Peter says, in Acts 3:12, When Peter saw this, he said to them: “Fellow Israelites, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if we had made this man walk by our own power or godliness?”
3) As we dig into the core of discerning, we are going to discover that there are various levels of things to be discerned, good and bad. That’s why discernment is needed. And there are some dangers that need to be addressed.