The David Spoon Experience 5-19-23 Part 1
A) As we wind down in Chapter 11 from the Hall of Fame of Faith in Hebrews, we come to verse 39. All of these people that were mentioned were approved by God because of their faith. But that does not mean they all receive the promises that they were anticipating. Some did, and some didn’t, depending on what the promise was. But the real key is that their faith was so strong that they looked forward. They saw into eternity and recognized that that is where some of their fulfillment was going to take place.
B) The truth of the matter is that the entire theme of Hebrews is to help us understand that the New Testament is better than the Old Testament. We can say that with much assurance because that is specifically what the New Testament says. God provided something better for us. What was the something better? Jesus.
C) The reality is, without Jesus and without the New Covenant, all of the people of the past would not be made perfect or become fulfilled without Jesus. It is through Jesus’s redeeming work and the blood that He shed. And the perfect sacrifice makes everything perfect for us. For the future in the Kingdom of God, Jesus makes it better. And Jesus makes it whole. The Old Testament heroes could not reach that without us in the New Testament era.