The David Spoon Experience 5-12-23 Part 2
1) I want to talk to you about something I hate discussing, but that’s how it goes. This is actually a sermon outline from a book I encountered that has a lot of really great material. I’ve told you often and will tell you again that none of this is my material. And scripturally, nobody’s material is their material since everything belongs to God. I’m utilizing this sermon outline from John Lewis from 1979 because it’s a really good one, and the topic is investments.
2) Christians can miss the importance of the resurrection in the scheme of the trials we face. Let’s just keep it super easy. Without the resurrection, everything is a drag. Without the resurrection, Christianity is a complete drag. The truth is that Paul explains that we would be people to feel sorry for if there’s no resurrection. Without our hope, we are nothing but dopes. And don’t tell me what’s a better life lived if it doesn’t matter for eternity. Ouch.
3) And again, I’m trying something new. I have a devotional that I want to break apart into two different segments. It comes out of the book of Titus. It’s from a new study program that I’ve used a few times. And the breakdown really helps me seize and see that much more of the truth of the Lord and His holy Word. Let’s just call this one. Fun in the Son. Let’s go!