The David Spoon Experience 5-11-23 Part 2
1) Today’s teaching in the Book of Acts will be a little tougher for some people. We’re at the point where Paul and Barnabas come forward to the church in Jerusalem and tell everyone about all the things that God has done. But at the same time, “some” Pharisees, who have become Christians, are in contention with them. They want everybody to follow the old ways and the new ways. The truth is, it’s hard to let go. That’s even more true for people of faith. After all, the way that we have walked must be the right way, right?
2) Upon this moment, the church gets together to confirm and affirm what’s going on and the message to the church at large. There are many commentators who claim that this is the most pivotal moment in the early church. And that if they made the wrong decision, the whole thing would collapse. Hogwash! Jesus said I build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. The church wasn’t going to collapse, Period!
3) This is an amazing text in Acts 15:8. It is proclaimed and confirms that God accepts people because He gives them His Holy Spirit. And …that there is no difference for anybody, in regard to salvation and salvation alone, who is a genuine believer. A final piece of this argument is how can the Jewish believers require the Gentiles to follow a code that the Jewish Believers could not follow. That’s why the gospel was proclaimed; to free us from what we could not do on our own.