The David Spoon Experience 5-1-23 Part 2
1) Can a person’s actions benefit God? This is a critical question actually to be answered by every believer. Let’s start off with where this applies the most. You don’t do God any favors by going to church. Let me repeat that you don’t do God any favors by attending church. You do a favor for yourself. And while giving to the church is awesome, you don’t make God rich by giving. The Lord doesn’t need your money. He needs your heart. Truth be told, he doesn’t need your heart. He simply wants your heart.
2) You must have, you must have! Ah, this is a classic. Let me give you a few words that will go along with this that help us understand the silliness: presume, speculate, suspect, conjecture, deduce, hypothesize, imagine, presuppose, surmise, theorize, be afraid, fall for, and have a sneaking suspicion. Okey, dokey; that all spells A-S-S U-M-E.
3) Stop quarreling with God: Ironically, this is correct and incorrect. You will understand if you do your own review of the scriptures. Cain argued with God. As well as everybody else along the way. There’s nothing unusual about standing your ground and talking to the Lord. Jacob would not have been blessed for resisting and wrestling with God if there were. Abraham would not have been seen as tenacious in faith. Moses would not have stood in the gap. And King David would not have maintained his kingship. And none of the other followers of God would be real. There comes a time when disagreements end. And there’s a difference between arrogance and engagement. Engagement is relationship. But tread wisely.