The David Spoon Experience 4-9-24 part 2
1) We return to the book of Romans, embracing the grace that emanates from scripture. As we discussed last week, Paul makes a dramatic shift from the concept of us all being sinners to the offer of grace that enables us to live eternally in harmony, joy, peace, and comfort with the Lord.
2) In Romans Chapter 3, Verse 24, Paul states that it is God's gracious kindness, His grace, that declares us not guilty. We are pronounced not guilty, not because of our righteousness, but because of God's goodness. For those who believe they can earn God's love, they are mistaken. No one could ever do enough to earn it, especially since we've already sinned.
3) On top of this incredible gift of being declared not guilty, Paul states that this has been accomplished through Jesus Christ, who has freed us by taking away our sins. So, when we stand before the Lord and try to remind Him of our sins, and He asks, "What are you talking about?" that is not the time to remind Him. Instead, it's the time to let go and move forward.
4) Because God is holy, His righteousness had to be satisfied. Justice had to be served. As Verse 25 teaches us, God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins. It's not that our sins received no punishment; rather, our sins were placed upon Jesus to satisfy the wrath of the Lord. That's the gift.
5) We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed His blood, sacrificing His life for us. That's how it happens - not when we achieve something, not when we do something, but when we truly believe that Jesus died on the cross for us, giving Himself over so that we can be at peace with the Father.