The David Spoon Experience 4-4-23 Part 1
A) As we’re winding down in Chapter 9, we come across a story illustrating how religious people do not believe in God. Jesus casts out an evil spirit. But the Pharisees can’t handle it because it means that what He has to say is right. God gives confirmation with signs. So instead of attributing it to God, they attributed it to Satan as some crafty, magical, don’t look behind the curtain moment.
B) Next up, we see Jesus as He travels through the different cities and villages, which tells us that He’s not just a metropolitan guy. He’s teaching people about the good news, the gospel of being saved from their sins. And healing wherever He goes. One of the reasons that He’s effective in His ministry, something good for us to note, is that He genuinely pitied the people and their struggles.
C) Finally, Jesus tells his disciples. The harvest is great, but the workers are few. How do we need to resolve this problem? Jesus tells us to pray to the Lord. Ask Him to send more people. Ask Him to send more ministers. The problem with politicians blaming guns is the reality that people's hearts ed to be changed. That's why we need to ask the Lord to help us with ministers for the kingdom so that people's hearts can be changed. Without guns, people in their hearts would still commit murder but just use something else. Cain used a rock.